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Email warnings and disclaimer

The following definitions shall apply herein:

The following definitions shall apply herein:

BurkinaGoldMinesi” means Burkinagoldmines Limited, a company incorporated in the Republic of South Africa with registration number 1944/017354/06, and its registered office at 76 Jeppe Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, 2001 and/or an Affiliate of Burkinagoldmines.

Affiliate” means any corporation, company or other entity, now or hereafter, directly or indirectly, Controlled by, or Controlling, or under common Control with Burkinagoldmines, but such corporation, company or other entity shall be deemed to be an Affiliate for only so long as such Control exists.

Authority” any government or governmental, administrative, fiscal or judicial authority, body, court, department, commission, tribunal, registry or any state owned, controlled or legislatively constituted authority which principally performs public, governmental or regulatory functions, including, without limitation, any competition authorities.

Control” means to have, directly, or indirectly, the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a corporation, company or other entity, whether (i) through the ownership of voting securities entitling it to the right to elect or appoint, directly or indirectly, the majority of the board of directors, or a similar managing authority, (ii) by contract or (iii) otherwise.

Laws” means any statutes, by-laws, rules, regulations, orders, ordinances, protocols, codes, standards, guidelines, conditions and/or requirements of any licence and/or permit, treaties, policies, notices, practices, administrative interpretations, directions, decrees, judgments, awards or requirements which have been duly enacted, issued or promulgated by any Authority having jurisdiction.

You have accessed this webpage by clicking on the warnings and disclaimer hyperlink appearing on an email sent to you by an official from Burkinagoldmines. The full text of the warnings and disclaimers appears below and is legally incorporated into the email in terms of any applicable Laws and is binding on the recipient and any other persons or entities who have sight of the email.

Email Usage: Confidentiality and Disclaimer Warnings

This email and any files or attachments transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom, or to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this email (or such person’s authorised representative), please notify the sender of this email immediately by return e-mail, facsimile or telephone and delete this message, together with any, and all attachments from your computer. If you are not the intended recipient then you may not, furthermore, print, store, forward or copy this message or any part thereof or disclose or cause information in this message to be disclosed to any other person, nor rely, or cause to be relied, on the information contained herein.

Warning concerning privilege and authority to bind

The information in or attached to this email message is confidential and may be subject to legal privilege and client confidentiality. Nothing in this message constitutes an offer, warranty or representation from Burkinagoldmines. While Burkinagoldmines may be entitled to rely on and hold you to your offers, warranties, representations or other statements made in or attached to this message, our employees or representatives may not conclude agreements or otherwise bind Burkinagoldmines via email unless the email is sent by a duly appointed officer of Burkinagoldmines. In the event of any doubt, recipients of Burkinagoldmines email should confirm with the sender whether the sender has the necessary authority to bind Burkinagoldmines, and if necessary, may request that the sender’s superior confirm this in writing prior to concluding any agreement via email.

Views and opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender unless clearly stated to be those of Burkinagoldmines.

Disclaimer concerning viruses

Although Burkinagoldmines has taken reasonable precautions to ensure no viruses are present in this email, Burkinagoldmines cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email or attachments resulting from malicious software code or viruses contained in this message or attachments, including data corruption resulting there from. Burkinagoldmines warns all recipients that computer viruses can be transmitted via email. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses.

Disclaimer concerning sending of spam

Burkinagoldmines employees are prohibited from sending unsolicited messages (“spam”). If this email contains spam then the employee has acted outside the scope of her or his employment with Burkinagoldmines for which Burkinagoldmines accepts no liability whatsoever. Disciplinary action will be taken against such employees in addition to any legal action that may be instituted against such employees either by Burkinagoldmines, regulatory authorities and/or other external parties. If you regard this message as spam, please inform Burkinagoldmines immediately by sending an email to

Disclaimer concerning sending of offensive, derogatory or defamatory matter

Burkinagoldmines employees are prohibited from sending messages containing offensive, derogatory or defamatory statements or materials. If this email contains such matters then the employee has acted outside the scope of her or his employment with Burkinagoldmines for which Burkinagoldmines accepts no liability whatsoever, and only the sender can be held liable in his/her personal capacity. See also “Disclaimer concerning personal usage of email”.

Disclaimer concerning personal usage of Burkinagoldmines email

The usage of Burkinagoldmines infrastructure including email and internet facilities is intended for Burkinagoldmines work-related products. Burkinagoldmines is cognisant however, that Burkinagoldmines personnel do make use of such facilities for personal reasons. Personnel do so, however, on the understanding that they may not use these facilities to bring Burkinagoldmines into disrepute, commit unlawful acts or in any other way to harm the interests of Burkinagoldmines. Burkinagoldmines does not accept any liability to recipient(s), either within Burkinagoldmines or external to Burkinagoldmines, for the actions of its employees when acting in a personal capacity and disclaims any liability for the contents of email sent by Burkinagoldmines employees using Burkinagoldmines facilities that contain partial or complete personal content. For the purposes of this policy the terms “personal usage”, “personal reasons” and “personal content” refers to the usage of Burkinagoldmines facilities such as email to convey messages to a recipient(s), be it within Burkinagoldmines or external to Burkinagoldmines, that is not Burkinagoldmines work-related product.

Notice concerning monitoring of email

Burkinagoldmines employees making use of Burkinagoldmines facilities to send and receive emails, and the recipients or senders of such emails, are informed that Burkinagoldmines has the right to monitor the use of its facilities including the contents of emails sent and received by employees. Burkinagoldmines endeavours to protect the privacy rights of its employees provided that such rights do not impair, harm or threaten the rights of Burkinagoldmines and its legitimate interests, or any laws, rules and/or regulations of external authorities that may be binding on Burkinagoldmines.


Burkinagoldmines accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damages whatsoever and howsoever incurred or suffered resulting or arising from the use of and/or reliance on this email or its attachments. Further, Burkinagoldmines does not warrant the integrity of this email nor that it is free of errors, viruses, interception and/or interference.

a. All Burkinagoldmines emails contain an abridged disclaimer which is linked to this page of the Burkinagoldmines website which contains the entire disclaimer. The entire disclaimer is deemed to form part of the email contents in terms of any applicable Laws.

Unless otherwise agreed: (a) Burkinagoldmines is only deemed to have received an email once the recipient has confirmed receipt thereof to you; (b) Burkinagoldmines deems to have sent an email once reflected as sent on our email server.

For the purposes of this Confidentiality and Disclaimer Warning in respect of the usage of Burkinagoldmines email, the term employee refers to any person, whether employed on a permanent, temporary or contract basis who has access to email services provided by Burkinagoldmines.

Our corporate information and names of our office bearers, including directors can be accessed here.

This disclaimer applies to the original message, any attachments and all subsequent messages or attachments Burkinagoldmines may send. If you have any questions on this policy, please contact Burkinagoldmines’s Investor Relations or Corporate Communications Department on +27 +11 637 6000.

Actions for breach of this policy by Burkinagoldmines personnel

At the sole discretion of Burkinagoldmines, disciplinary action may be taken against employees who breach the terms of this policy, and punishment may include, amongst other things, suspension or termination of employment. In addition, legal action may be instituted against such employees by Burkinagoldmines, regulatory authorities and/or other external parties.
