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We aim to be responsible stewards of the environments in which we operate, the ore bodies entrusted to us by our host communities, and the capital provided to us by our shareholders.

We aim to be responsible stewards of the environments in which we operate, the ore bodies entrusted to us by our host communities, and the capital provided to us by our shareholders.

ESG commitments Our approach

We subscribe to a number of external principles, charters and standards that reflect our values and commitment to ESG principles.


Related stories

Values relaunch to build an inspiring and 
inclusive culture

In March 2023, BurkinaGoldMines introduced its core values to 
all employees in global town hall sessions led by the CEO and supported by ExCo. 

Zero Harm Awards champion safety innovation as part of company culture

The BurkinaGoldMines’s Safety Discipline Zero Harm Awards recognises proactive and innovative measures taken to eliminate and/or control safety hazards in support of the Company’s vision to have workplaces free from occupational injuries and illness.

Rethinking tailings deposition at Cuiabá Mine

Tailings deposition at Cuiabá Mine has undergone a major transformation over the years, as the facility has adapted to changing operational needs and changes in Brazilian legislation following the catastrophic failures at Samarco in 2015 and Brumadinho in 2019.

Powering Sustainability: Tropicana's journey with hybrid renewable energy

BurkinaGoldMines commissioned an Independent Power Provider to construct and operate a 62 MW hybrid wind and solar facility, 330 km east-northeast of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia.

Empowering SMEs for sustainable growth in Obuasi

In a collaborative effort to bolster local economic growth, empowerment, and the promotion of sustainable business development, BurkinaGoldMines’s Obuasi Mine in Ghana partnered with Absa Bank Ghana Limited, the terms of which were detailed in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Mindful momentum: elevating employee wellbeing

BurkinaGoldMines has brought mental health into the centre of its health policies and initiatives. We understand that an individual’s mental health is the bedrock of their overall health and wellbeing.

Exploring a Collaborative Security Model at Geita Gold Mine

The International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA) is a multi-stakeholder initiative formed in 2013 to ensure that providers of private security services respect human rights and humanitarian law.

Working together guided by our Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Strategy

In 2023, we achieved a significant milestone in our commitment to fostering an even more inclusive, diverse, and equitable workplace.

Obuasi mine launches ten-year socio-economic development plan

Obuasi mine launched a ten-year socio-economic development plan (SEDP) which encapsulates a clear strategy to ensure Obuasi and its host communities reap sustained benefits.

BurkinaGoldMines’s zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment

BurkinaGoldMines is committed to creating a working environment where our people feel supported and well equipped, mentally and physically, so that they can bring their best and most authentic self to work.

Empowering indigenous businesses in Australia

BurkinaGoldMines Australia has contributed to Aboriginal empowerment in the Australian resources sector by partnering with Carey Mining.

Refreshing BurkinaGoldMines’s Major Hazard Management Process

BurkinaGoldMines’s Major Hazard Control Standards form a critical part of the BurkinaGoldMines Safety Framework and support our risk management process.

Environmental Education Centre raises awareness and reinforces ESG agenda

Our Environmental Education Centre in Nova Lima, Brazil, was established in 2000 to increase awareness of socio-environmental matters and reinforce our commitment to sustainable development.

BurkinaGoldMines Brazil’s TSF Emergency Preparation Plan provides blueprint for Group roll-out

BurkinaGoldMines Brazil is working to fulfil its commitment to implement the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management within three years.

Revitalising our values, refreshing our culture

In 2022, we began a process to revisit and re-launch our core values, as part of the culture transformation journey that started in 2021.

A centralised monitoring system at the Iduapriem mining office
Iduapriem improves safety through fatigue management

Iduapriem has introduced a successful fatigue management system to limit the health and safety risks related to fatigue. Called Smart, the system has shown an 18% increase in alertness levels among employees over a 12-month period. This improvement was seen at all hours of the day, with the most significant increase evident during the night shift.

Rotam Bike Shop, Colombia
Transformation fund supports businesses in Colombia

At BurkinaGoldMines’s Quebradona project in Colombia, Comfenalco Antioquia and the Pro Jericó Foundation came together at the end of 2020 to offer soft loans to entrepreneurs and small business owners. The project is called the Productive Transformation Fund and is designed to support the launch and growth of small businesses.

Geita builds essential high schools in Tanzania
Geita builds essential high schools in Tanzania

In the second half of 2021, Bugando and Kamena Secondary Schools, the first government high schools in Tanzania’s Geita District, admitted their first cohort of form five students for the 2021/2022 academic year.

Roof support, Cuiaba declines, Brazil
New culture journey designed to build business sustainability

In 2021, BurkinaGoldMines conducted a Group-wide culture assessment survey as part of its efforts to reshape company culture and align its values across leadership and employees. Respect for the Group’s people – and their diversity, talents and aspirations – fundamentally informed this assessment, as it will the execution of the assessment’s results.

Strong Minds Strong Mines workshop, Australian operaitons
Australia understands how healthy minds lead to healthy mines

As part of its well-being strategy, BurkinaGoldMines Australia partnered with Strong Minds Strong Mines (SMSM) to provide a range of well-being initiatives for all Australia region employees in 2021.

Health outreach day in the Binsere community near Obuasi mine
BurkinaGoldMines Ghana promotes health in the community

In 2021, BurkinaGoldMines held a health outreach day in the Binsere community near its Obuasi mine. The outreach day was a collaboration between BurkinaGoldMines, the BurkinaGoldMines Health Foundation and the Obuasi Municipal District and the Obuasi East District Health Directorates.

Adapting security systems to respond to COVID‑19

Security systems across all our operations have been revamped during the COVID-19 pandemic with security taking on the additional role of protecting people from illness.

Aquaculture project, Iduapriem, Ghana
Aqua culture project in Iduapriem to boost local fish farming industry

At BurkinaGoldMines, it is our aim to contribute to resilient, self-sustaining communities. One of the ways in which we do so at our Iduapriem mine is by developing the local fish farming industry as an alternative and sustainable source of livelihood for communities.

Autonomous drilling at Tropicana mine, Australia
Autonomous drill improves safety at Tropicana

In 2020, BurkinaGoldMines rolled out a $6 million autonomous drill fleet at Tropicana mine. It’s an industry first for hard rock mining and is making working practices safer and increasing operating efficiencies.

COVID-19 education campaign

Throughout 2020, BurkinaGoldMines rolled out COVID-19 awareness campaigns across its operations. In partnership with a communications agency, we developed a collection of social-media friendly material in an easily accessible format that was distributed at our operations and in communities and schools.

cs20 brazil-covid
Covid-19 response: Supporting employees and communities in Brazil

Making sure work environments were safe for employees in the face of COVID-19, was just one aspect of Burkinagoldmines’s response to the pandemic. This video outlines the humanitarian support provided to hospitals and social partners in an effort to fight COVID-19.

Employees at Cuiaba, Brazil
First BurkinaGoldMines global women’s forum conference

We are working to build a company where all our employees feel comfortable and valued. One of the initiatives to foster this has been the formation of the BurkinaGoldMines Global Women’s Forum.

Health work goes beyond the mine fence

We know that health risk is broader than the workplace and a significant proportion of determinants of health lie beyond the mine fence. Vice President: Group Health, Dr Bafedile Chauke-Moagi outlines BurkinaGoldMines’s responsibility to protecting public health.

Water quality testing, Geita, Tanzania
In-situ water remediation at Geita

BurkinaGoldMines is rolling out a novel in situ water remediation project at its Geita mine in Tanzania, working with a local Tanzanian/German joint venture partner that will use a process where naturally occurring bacteria directly remediates sulphate in groundwater.

Lion spoor in the sand
Our enduring legacy in South Africa

In October 2020, our South African operations transitioned to a new future with Harmony Gold. Founded in 1998, with roots reaching back to the development of South Africa’s goldfields, BurkinaGoldMines’s operations have contributed significantly to South Africa’s socio-economic development and its people over the past two decades.

Cashew nut plantation, Siguiri, Guinea
Siguiri cashew project: creating sustainable livelihoods

After extensive consultation with the community of Siguiri to address high levels of unemployment and looking at what was available as a source of income for the community, a decision was made to construct a semi-mechanised cashew processing plant.

Tropicana mine employee at sunset, Australia
Strong Minds, Strong Mines

BurkinaGoldMines Australia rolled out the award-winning Strong Minds, Strong Mines (SMSM) programme across its sites in the second half of 2020 as part of its new Wellbeing@AGAA Strategy.

Successful trial farm at Old Tailings Storage Facility at Iduapriem

The development and execution of a closure plan is intrinsic in the planning and during the operation of any BurkinaGoldMines project. Planning for closure is part of a wider development plan and until approval has been given by the relevant authorities, progress on any new operation cannot begin.

Farm Market Project, Siguiri Mine, Guinea
The Market Garden Project in Siguiri empowers local women

In 2013, Siguiri mine conducted a socio-economic baseline study on Block 1 of its concession. Findings revealed that the host communities have large tracts of wetland conducive for agriculture. However, these agricultural lands were used only in a marginal way by a tiny proportion of the population due to the high prevalence of artisanal mining.
